One of my favorite savory pies, the tomatoes/mustard work really well together and make for a delicious lunch or dinner.
Category: Savory Pies, Tomatoes, Dinner, Lunch
Frenchman Rating/Comments: 8/10, "The mustard was not strong enough, next time use 'extra fort'."
Cost per Serving: The entire pie came to about €4.00... so very minimal.
- Pastry shell or enough pastry dough for one open-faced 'pie', ensure the dough is not sweet, but is salty
- 3 Large House Tomatoes sliced thinly, or 6 medium size roma tomatoes sliced thinly
- 6 slices swiss cheese (3x5 inches is good, with a width of 1/4 inch)
- 1/3 cup mustard with seeds (like a rough mustard or a brown mustard- better flavor), 1/4 cup Dijon mustard (yellow and kinda spicy) extra strong.
- 2 tablespoons Herbes de Provences, or just plain old oregano and basil (one tablespoon of each, mixed)
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Pie Dish
- Preheat oven to 375°F or 200°C
- Lay out the pastry dough into the pie pan, if it's a pastry shell with a pie pan attached skip to step 3.
- Poke holes all over the bottom of the crust, this will ensure the pie will not bubble up.
- Spread the mustard evenly over the bottom of the crust, if need more add more, ensure the pie crust does not show through.
- Place slices of swiss cheese along the bottom on top of mustard, it will resemble a pizza
- Layer tomato slices clockwise starting from the outside edge swirling to the interior until the bottom is covered. If there is extra, continue to layer to cover spots.
- Drizzle 1 tablespoon olive oil and about 2 tablespoons of the seasoning, plus salt and pepper to taste
- Place in oven, cook uncovered for about 20 minutes, or until the tomatoes are curled on the edges, the outside crust is brown, like the photo below:
Serve with a chilled wine and a tossed salad!